I've finally come to a decision! I (or more like my husband and I) have decided we are done having kids and with that said, I think I may pursue one final surrogacy journey. I've put so much thought into all of this that it isn't even funny, but I'm happy and finally at peace with my decision. I'm not sure where I will go from here. I will talk with the twins daddies to see if they feel their family is complete - if not, I will do a sibling project and if so, then I will figure where to go from there. I'm in no hurry this time...not nearly as obsessed. I only even want to do this to have one last farewell pregnancy journey and of course, to try and help complete another family. I'm not sure if I will use the same agency that I have in the past...depending on who I'm doing it for and insurance issues, I may move on to another agency. We'll see! I don't feel rushed and I will try to take my time to do it right. Hopefully someone will even take me with delivering the twins at 34 weeks!