Friday, March 26, 2010

So Irritated

The doctor called me today and said that the egg donor is ready to go! That got me so excited. Then I spoke to D and he said that he was told the retrieval was going to be the 3rd week of May. Therefore, putting the transfer in the 4th week. That's 2 whole months away! I am so irritated with this whole process. We had our first transfer in July and now getting closer to a year and a handful of transfers later, we have nothing to show for it. IF I do actually get pregnant this time, then I will be pregnant the exact same time as I was with Grant (we transferred May 25). I really hope that the transfer time is the only thing that will be similar...I say that because I know we will be transferring 3 embryos this time so I really don't want a repeat reduction.

I'm just so mad (one of my favorite Mercer Mayer books).


Renee said...

I feel your frustration.. Hang in there. I am hoping two months will fly by....

Baby Maker said...


Kelly Enders-Tharp said...

It's amazing how many hurdles several of us have had with our second journeys. Augh!

Anonymous said...

I hope this transfer is a success for you! Our second attempt worked and I'm due five days after my daughter's birthday. It's fun to be on the same time line as a previous pregnancy.