Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Transfer is coming up really soon. I just read back over the last year and really think that for the most part, I was pretty happy and optimistic. It makes me sad to see how I really haven't been posting many details or simply blogging lately. I guess I'm just tired of getting hopes up just to be let down. Maybe if no one knows what's going on then no one has to say sorry...next time!

Without saying too much, I do know that donor has 30 follicles which may or may not be a good thing. You'd think, oh, that will be a lot of eggs...but the quality might not be there. IF's have friends that had an ED in the recent past that had 30 follicles and they only got one egg that didn't make it. So you just never know!

I am getting excited once again and I do feel good about this transfer so we will just see what happens. I really truly feel like my IF's deserve this and it is their time.


AnGèLe said...

Best of luck hun!! I am sending you tons of "good eggs" dust!! :) xo

Mrs. P said...

good luck!! hoping for the best.

MrsKnight said...

With 30 eggs, I'm sure you'll get some good quality blasts for the transfer. Yay!

TXSurromom said...

Good luck!!!! :)

Brandy said...

Good luck on your upcoming transfer gal!! Maybe we can be preggo with surrobabies at the same time again. ;-)

Love the new look of your blog!