Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 6 and Still Negative

I have decided to take a break from all things surrogacy for a while. My beta is scheduled for Thursday, but I am expecting a negative beta. I know a miracle could still happen, but they simply don't happen to me - never have. I don't know where we will go from here...these 3 embryos we just transferred were D&W's last. I am extremely depressed right now - the hormones don't help and I still have to take them for another 4 days. I am more sad now than I was with the miscarriage because at least we could move on and quickly from that, but now any option we have will take quite a long time - if they decide to still work with me. I am now one step closer to looking like a surrogate that nobody wants to use - which has always been my biggest fear.

I honestly never thought I would end up here.......

1 comment:

Tiffiny said...

Aww V, please do not give up hope. There have been plenty of surros that do not Their first positive till day 9.... You are not going to be a surro that no one wants.. (((HUGS))) I am here if you want or need to talk.