Just want to pop in and say that things are going great! After recovering from the flu (horrible) and talking with D a couple of times, I have felt really good for about the past week. I really hope things stay this way too! I feel like I am pretty much out of my post-partum blues funk.
Babies are doing good, daddies are still adjusting, baby nurse is still there, W has gone back to work, still only get pics through Facebook (but I am okay with that now), and lastly, I am so thankful I am not a new parent of twins! C-section scar is still itchy...I really hope it isn't like that forever! I never never want to have another c-section as long as I live. I despise surgery!
I can actually look at other surrogates wherever they are in their journeys and feel happy for them rather than envious. I am so happy where I am right now. I am glad I'm not pregnant at the moment. I still have just under 10 lbs to lose and I'm confident I can do it before we go to Mexico in May. I am glad I can indulge in a glass of wine when I feel like it. I love way I can move about and get exercise and bend over and such. I love that I can play with my kids again! I'm only writing this down so I can remember how I really do love not being pregnant (as much as I love being pregnant). So for the time being, I am just going to keep enjoying things the way they are :)......
Not surro related . . . Worst. Week. Ever.
9 years ago